Friday, May 30, 2008

Class of 2012 BBQ

It is hard to believe that Memorial Day has come and gone and we are now heading toward the end of the school year.

As the Class of 2012's last days in 8th grade approach, I wanted to remind you of a few things...

The Class of 2012 BBQ is being held on THURSDAY JUNE 19TH 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM. Don't forget to RSVP to Drop-off and pick-up are at the main entrance and remember to wear comfortable clothes. The UC Big Brothers and Sisters are busy planning a fun afternoon, so don't miss out!

Emerging Leaders Program - incoming freshmen who are interested in applying to the Emerging Leaders program are reminded that applications are due in the Admissions Office by July 1st. For additional information visit

Big Brother/Big Sister - You will be hearing from your big brother or big sister over the summer, feel free to ask them any questions or concerns you may have about the start of school. They are there to help!

Class of 2012 First Day of School - Your first day of school will be Thursday, September 6th, the Freshmen Orientation Day. Your big brother/big sister will be here that day to help you with your schedule. Buses will be running on Orientation Day and students will need to be in full uniform. More information on the start of school will come home in the mail and will be posted in this blogspot over the summer.

Summer Reading List - The Class of 2012 summer reading list is being mailed home on May 30th and will be available on-line after June 15th.

Lastly, but most important - Class of 2012, we can't wait for you to get here! Remember that the admissions office is open all summer so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or 908.889.1600, ext.302.