Friday, November 7, 2008

New Discover UC Video

Thanks to one of alums, Jessica Vogt '04, UC now has a full length dvd depicting the life and times of our school community! If you haven't seen it yet, feel free to stop by the Admissions or Development Office for a viewing! The video is approximately 8 minutes long and shows everything "beautiful" about UC....our students..our faith...our clubs...our high level of academics..our sports and most importantly, our spirit. It was debuted at our "Discover UC Night" on November 6th and we received nothing but RAVE reviews! Thanks too all faculty, administration, alums, and students for giving the outside community a true a sense that UC really is "Something Beautiful!"

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Days of Recollection

On Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, we welcomed over 160 eighth graders from various Catholic grammar schools in our area. The schools who attended our first session included: Sacred Heart, North Plainfield; St. John Vienny, Colonia; St. Joes, Maplewood, St. Michael's, Union; & St. James, Springfield. With the help of our "Big Brother/ Big Sisters" (pictured below), we conducted a whole day of activities and small group discussions which allowed us all to pause and take a moment to reflect on just how much God impacts all of our lives. Each of the 8th graders were asked to select a word that describes them. Through various fun activities, we showed just HOW different each of those qualities became in each one of them. For example: Many of the students had described themselves as being "loud." Yet, when put to the test of Mr. Luciano to be AS LOUD as they can be into a microphone, we DEFINITELY were able to see the uniqueness of each student. The UC students talked about four key reflection topics: Friends, Self-Acceptance, Decision Making, & Faith, all of which are key points for the average high school student to ponder. All four of the students who spoke shared personal experiences about one of those aspects of their lives. The highlight of the day, however, probably came as the students enjoyed lunch from Wendys! The day concluded with a question and answer session for our UC student ambassadors. The Big brothers and sisters did such a great job, as always. They love whenever they can interact with potential students because they too know exactly how they feel.

Here is a picture, left, of our second day of recollection on Thursday, 9/25. Our attending schools this day included Our Lady of Peace; Hillside Catholic Academy, Holy Trinity, St. Genevieve's, Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Academy. This annual event is such a wonderful time for us to get to know our potential "future vikings" as well as for the grammar school students to take some time to reflect on many important aspects of their lives.

*A GREAT job well done by our UC peer leaders! Thanks for your cooperation!*

Friday, September 19, 2008

The New Kid on the 'Blog'. . .

Okay, i couldn't help myself with that title, considering I'll be attending the one of the FIRST NKOTB (New Kids on the Block) concerts in over TEN years on 9/23! Anyways, just wanted to send an opening blog and a general "HELLO!" to everyone out there checking out our UC Blogging Community! I'm so happy to be apart of Union Catholic for many reasons. There's so much that UC has to offer. How do I know that after only being here 3 weeks? As a student of Catholic education for 14 years, I find myself quite familiar and at home with everything here at UC. . .which is exactly what the school community here is all about. A school community cannot fully reach its potential without the ideas, qualities, characteristics, and involvement of its members: the students, faculty, administration, families, friends, & staff. Each and every one of us are unique, just as God has always reminded us. We are encouraged to share our talents with others and get involved! Like a puzzle, it cannot be complete without all of its pieces; and that is a puzzle that is constantly changing. As one senior class leaves us each year, we anticipate the arrivial of fresh new "pieces" to add to our puzzle! The key to getting the most out of any HS experience is by getting involved....any way you can! You could join one of over 30 clubs, 3 athletic seasons with over 30 different teams, or join the ONE group that is ALWAYS in season, the highly popular "BLUE CREW!" Show your Viking pride by cheering on your fellow classmates for a successful season! Well, thats all for now. . . Be sure to check out my blog, as well as the other blogs available from members of the UC Community! Until next time, Best Wishes to all for a FANTASTIC school year and I leave you with the ever popular question to ponder..."how would you look in blue & white?" : )

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” ~Maria Robinson

Wednesday, July 9, 2008



Yesterday I was pulling into the UC parking lot and I was amazed to see that there were no open parking spots. One would think that a school would be quiet in the summer ~ well not here at UC. On a Tuesday evening in July there were soccer games, volleyball camps, basketball players meeting to go to a tournament, baseball players returning from their game and a group of cross country teammates meeting for a run. So since this is the UC Informational blog, I thought I’d post the information that our athletic director has on his edgate page. Feel free to check any of the coaches schoolnotes pages for individual sport information.

For a posting of starting dates and times for Fall Sports Teams log onto the schools homepage ( then click "Athletics" and then click "". Now select the state (New Jersey) and school (Union Catholic Reg. High School). You will find a listing of all athletic activities by month (be sure you have selected the 2008-2009 school year located in the upper left hand corner).

To contact the following coaches about information on summer activities for thier sport go to the following sites:


Boys Basketball - Mr. Reagan -

G. Basketball -Ms. Matthews -

Boys Soccer - Mr. Cerimele -

Girls Soccer - Mr. Revel -

Girls Lacrosse - Mr. Gresco -

Volleyball - Mrs. Saggio -

Baseball - Mr. Reagan -

Softball - Mr. Ryan -

Girls Tennis - Mr. Boyar -

Gymnastics - Ms. Sanchez -

Cross Country - Mr. McCabe -

Friday, May 30, 2008

Class of 2012 BBQ

It is hard to believe that Memorial Day has come and gone and we are now heading toward the end of the school year.

As the Class of 2012's last days in 8th grade approach, I wanted to remind you of a few things...

The Class of 2012 BBQ is being held on THURSDAY JUNE 19TH 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM. Don't forget to RSVP to Drop-off and pick-up are at the main entrance and remember to wear comfortable clothes. The UC Big Brothers and Sisters are busy planning a fun afternoon, so don't miss out!

Emerging Leaders Program - incoming freshmen who are interested in applying to the Emerging Leaders program are reminded that applications are due in the Admissions Office by July 1st. For additional information visit

Big Brother/Big Sister - You will be hearing from your big brother or big sister over the summer, feel free to ask them any questions or concerns you may have about the start of school. They are there to help!

Class of 2012 First Day of School - Your first day of school will be Thursday, September 6th, the Freshmen Orientation Day. Your big brother/big sister will be here that day to help you with your schedule. Buses will be running on Orientation Day and students will need to be in full uniform. More information on the start of school will come home in the mail and will be posted in this blogspot over the summer.

Summer Reading List - The Class of 2012 summer reading list is being mailed home on May 30th and will be available on-line after June 15th.

Lastly, but most important - Class of 2012, we can't wait for you to get here! Remember that the admissions office is open all summer so if you have any questions, feel free to contact me or 908.889.1600, ext.302.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Quarters For Cancer/Mr. UC

Mark your calendars ~ Come to UC for Dinner and a Show on Wednesday April 16th ~ Quarters for Cancer and the Mr. UC Contest!

The Union Catholic Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC) will be hosting a Quarters for Cancer Dinner in the cafeteria. All monies raised will help support the Relay for Life in May. Our students have been busy planning this special evening and the menu sounds wonderful ~ all are welcome - doors will open at 5PM and close at 7:30 pm.

After you have finished dinner and dessert, you can stroll down the hall to the auditorium for the Mr. UC Contest. Doors for Mr. UC will open at 6:30 with the opening number beginning at 7PM.
Union Catholic's Student Council Executive Board promises a very entertaining night! Who will be the new MR. UC? You'll have to come to find out!

Hope to see you on the 16th!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Lock-In Date ~ April 18th

At UC we have a saying ~ "no sense making a plan unless you are going to change it!"
Each year we plan the UC Lock-In in early March. Due to Easter being so early this year we needed to use the date of February 29th ~ "Leap Year". We were excited thinking of all kinds of themes we could use like "Class of 2012 Leaps into High School". Well, it was not to be! For the first time in the lock-in's history, it snowed and we needed to postpone our date.

New Lock-In date is: April 18th - 7PM - 11PM

This is one of our favorite events of the year. It is the first time our new freshman class comes together and we were so disappointed that we needed to postpone ~ that was until so many of our senior big brothers and sisters came to us and let us know that now they would be available to help. You see, the first date was also the weekend of the senior retreat and our seniors could not be part of the lock-in on the 29th ~ but now they can. Guess it was all part of the plan all along!

It is going to be a great night! Big Brothers and Sisters are busy planning the evening of food and activities ~ if you haven't registered yet, feel free to e-mail me at

Can't wait to see you on the 18th!